How to Overcome the Challenges of a Remote Board Meeting

It’s essential to know how to overcome possible challenges as more business such as board meetings is conducted via a remote connection. There are some best practices to follow to ensure that your next board meeting as productive as possible. The most obvious problem is to ensure that the board members are comfortable using the […]

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The Importance of Using a VDR for Cybersecurity

VDR for cybersecurity: Security of information is essential to the success of any company especially in an industry that is increasingly dependent upon connected systems. Data breaches can cause catastrophic effects, resulting in the loss of revenue and reputation damage. Therefore, companies must select the most reliable solutions for managing data to protect sensitive data. […]

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What to Include in a Data Room for Investors Investors have a lot on their plate when they’re reviewing your company. The fact that all the information is in one place can accelerate the due diligence process and help make it more efficient. However, the way you gather and organize the files can have a major effect on how easy it is to […]

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What Is a Board Room Provider?

A provider of board rooms provides products and services that help make conference meetings more productive. They typically offer an encrypted cloud platform on which executives of companies can share and store files, as well as tools that improve meeting productivity. They also follow strict security protocols to ensure safety of information. Meetings in the […]

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How to Prepare an Online Data Room for Investors

An online data room for investors is a digital platform where startups upload important documents relevant to due diligence prior to funding round or an M&A transaction. This usually includes the company’s financial projections and specific IP ownership documentation. The information is then accessible to investors who are interested and could assist them in making […]

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The Board Management Maturity Model Over time, how a board acts is how it prepares for its meetings, looks at issues, creates reports and manages changes, data, and other information. Boards don’t realize this, but a maturity model can help them track their development. While an annual review provides an unbiased approach to assessing governance practices, a board management […]

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Creating an Investor Data Room

Investor data rooms are a repository of documents which contain crucial information about a company. This information can be used in an M&A or investment round with potential investors. It assists in streamlining due diligence procedures for both parties, allowing for the exchange of documents in a secure, efficient way. Founders may want to include […]

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Benefits of Virtual Board Meetings for Nonprofits During the Pandemic

Virtual meeting tools are growing in popularity because they provide numerous benefits to organizations and their board members. The flexibility and convenience of online meetings permit participants to attend the conference without having to travel far and also cancel other meetings or disrupt their routine. Additionally the board meetings are easier to keep track of […]

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